Page 11 - 新加坡齐鲁会章程
P. 11

majority of the voting members present, by a secret ballot.

                   8.5 选举可以通过举手表决,也可以在大多数有表决权的成员同意的前提下,以无记名


                   8.6 A Committee Meeting shall be held at least once every three (3) months

                   after giving seven (7) days' notice to Committee Members. The President may

                   call a Committee Meeting at any time by giving five (5) days' notice. Majority of

                   the Committee Members must be present for its proceedings to be valid.

                   8.4  理事会会议至少每三个月举行一次,提前七(7)天通知理事会成员。会长可以在



                   8.5 Any member of the Committee absenting himself from three (3) meetings

                   consecutively  without  satisfactory  explanations  shall  be  deemed  to  have

                   withdrawn from the Committee and a successor may be co-opted  by the

                   Committee to serve until the next Annual General Meeting. Any changes in the

                   Committee shall be notified to the Registrar of Societies within two (2) weeks of

                   the change.

                   8.5  任何理事连续不参加三(3)次会议且没有合理解释,将被视为已经退出理事会,



                   8.6 The duty of the Committee is to organise and supervise the daily activities

                   of the Society. The Committee may not act contrary to the expressed wishes of

                   the  General  Meeting  without  prior  reference  to  it  and  shall  always  remain

                   subordinate to the General Meetings.

                   8.6 理事会的职责是组织和监督本会的日常活动。除非经会员大会同意,理事会不得违


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