Page 19 - 新加坡齐鲁会章程
P. 19



                   17.1 The Society shall not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than

                   three-fifths (3/5)  of  the  total  voting membership  of the Society  for the  time

                   being resident in Singapore expressed, either in person or by proxy, at a General

                   Meeting convened for the purpose.

                   17.1  除非经本会当前在新加坡居住的有投票权总人数不少于五分之三(3/5)的人数



                   17.2 In the event of the Society being dissolved as provided above, all debts and

                   liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Society shall be fully discharged, and

                   the remaining funds will be disposed of in such manner as the General Meeting

                   of members may determine or donated to an approved charity or charities in


                   17.2 如果本会根据上条规定被解散,代表本会合法发生的所有债务全部解除,其余的


                   17.3 A Certificate of Dissolution shall be given within seven (7) days of the

                   dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.

                   17.3 解散证明应在协会解散后 7 天内提交给社团注册局。


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