Page 2 - Membership Application
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申请人就业资料  Information of Employer

         申请人就业状况 Present Employment Status:      失业 Unemployed    自雇 Self-Employed    退休 Retired   就业 Employed

         现工作单位 Employer:                                                          职位 Job Title:

         办公地址  Office Address:

         单位及本人所从事工作介绍  Profile of the employer and description of your job:

         会员注册费 Registration Fee:     普通会员 General Member: S$50 ;    学生会员 Student Member: S$30。
         请开划线支票至 Crossed cheque payable to: Shandong Association (Singapore),  并请注明申请人姓名

         个人信息保护条例 Personal Data and Protection Acts (PDPA)

         I consent to my personal data being collected, used and retained  for the purpose  of evaluating,  processing and managing my
         I acknowledge that the collection, use and/or disclose of my personal data is for the purpose of fulfilling, servicing and managing my

         申请人声明及签署 Declaration & Signature of Applicant

         I hereby apply for membership of Shandong Association (Singapore) and agree to abide the Constitution, all rules and resolution of the
         Association as may from time to time be in force.
         I declare that the information provided by me in this membership application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge as at the
         time of submission. I understand it is my responsibility to inform the Association as soon as is practical of any changes to my personal
         particulars or information as set out in this application form.

         申请人签名 Signature of Applicant:                                              申请日期 Date of Application: dd/mm/yyyy

        理事会审批  For official use only

         会员组批准(Approved by Membership Committee):            理事会批准(Approved by Executive Committee):
         日期(Date):                                           日期(Date):

         会员编号 Membership Serial Number:
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