Page 1 - Membership Application
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会员申请表 标准照
Membership Application Form Affix a recent
(填写签字后,请扫描并电邮发往: photograph here
会员资格:申请者必须是年龄在 18 岁以上在新加坡居住的山东籍或在山东工作、生活、学习或投资经营的人士;
Membership is open to individuals who currently legally reside in Singapore and who are native to Shandong province; or who once
worked, studied, lived, did business there are qualified as members. Members should above 18 years of age and proposed and
seconded by two existing members. Some personal information should be attached with the application. All information will be treated
as confidential.
申请人个人资料 Personal Information
申请人姓名(中文)Name in Chinese: 性别 Gender: 男 Male 女 Female
申请人姓名(英文)Name in English: 电话/手机 Tel/Mobile:
电邮 Email: 微信/ WeChat:
住址(英文)Address: 邮政编码 Post Code:
出生日期 Date of Birth: dd/mm/yyyy 出生地 Place of Birth: 省/市
婚姻状况 Marital Status: 未婚 Single 已婚 Married 其他 Others
国籍 Nationality:
学生准证 Student Pass
新加坡身份证号码 NRIC/FIN Number: 宗教信仰Religion:
最高学历 Highest Academic: 毕业学校 Institute/University: 1)
博士及以上 Doctor or above 硕士 Master
大学 Degree 大专 Diploma 其他 Others 毕业学校 Institute/University: 2)
Membership and Designation of Other Association in Singapore:
是否曾犯法而被判罪 Have you ever been convicted in a court of law? : 是 Yes 否 No 如是,请另附说明
是否曾被判入穷籍 Are you an undischarged bankrupt person : 是 Yes 否 No If Yes, please specify:
山东工作/生活/学习/投资经营经历 Experience in Shandong:
山东籍 Native born 工作 Worked 生活 Lived 学习 Studied 投资经营 Invested
其他,请说明 Others, please indicate:
本会介绍人 Name of Introducer: (1) 姓名 Name: (2) 姓名 Name: