Page 1 - EnterpriseMembershipApplication
P. 1


                                                          Corporate Membership Application Form


         Name of Company (Chinese)

         Name of Company (English)

         营业地址 Business Address:
                                                                                         邮政编码 Post Code:

         企业注册号 UEN.:                                       所属行业  Business Sector:

         职员人数  No. of Employees:                           实付资本(可选) Paid-up Capital (Optional):

         控股资本 Shareholder Information:   山东企业        山东个人         其他,请说明:

                          姓名  Name: Mr/Ms                  职务  Position:
         Person in Charge
                          邮箱  E-mail:                      电话  Phone No.:

                          姓名  Name: Mr/Ms                  职务  Position:
         Contact Person
                          邮箱  E-mail:                      电话  Phone No.:

         企业简介(100  字以内)  Brief Introduction of Company (within 100 words)

         提供的资料属实并正确无误。Our company (organization) voluntarily applies to join Shandong Association (Singapore),agree to
         abide the constitution, all rules and resolution of the Association, fulfills the obligations of member units.I certify that the information
         given above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.

         签名及公司印章                                           申请日期  Date of Application: dd/mm/yyyy
         Signature & Company’s Stamp

         企业会员注册费 Registration Fee: S$300;  企业会员年费 Annual Subscription Fee: S$300。
         请在入会批准后开划线支票至 Crossed cheque payable to: Shandong Association (Singapore),  并请注明申请企业名称

        For official use only

         企业组批准(Approved by Company Committee):             理事会批准(Approved by Executive Committee):
         日期(Date):                                         日期(Date):

         会员编号 Membership Serial Number: